New fiber connection - unexpected cpu usage on balance

Just connected a 300/300 fiber connection to balance 210 wan, and got some unexpected results.

Speedtest directly connected to fiber router is 326/316

On balance, with one wan connected to the fiber router via dhcp (doulbe nat)

Download Speed: 207 Mbps (problem when I should have 350 mbps throughput on this router)
(86% cpu load with only one client downloading)
Upload Speed: 294 Mbps
(65% cpu load with only one client uploading)

Why would the download be taking more CPU and be more limited in speed than the upload to here?

Bandwidth limit for wan is set to 1 Gbps up/down since I’m only running one wan.

Anything to look for here? (I have 3 simple vlans created, a total of 6 devices connected to the router)

Interestingly on speedfusion with 256 AES encryption, I’m getting
Download 79 Mbps
Upload 145 Mbps (quite a bit more than the stated max of 80 mbps! impressive, or am I missing something here?)

Both the direct lan to wan routing (limited download speed by 1/3) and the speedfusion (upload speed 80% faster than advertised) are interesting to me.


About bpl-210, look at the datasheet.

speedfusion Throughput with AES and without AES, numbers are amazing.

about the Stateful Firewall Throughput (350mbps)… Maybe you only will get this value in a clean configuration…

Are you using PPPoE at WAN?



No PPPoE on WAN. DHCP connection from fiber gateway.

On the slower than expected download (non speedfusion) My first thought was bandwidth reservation, which I remember wondering about when I first got this balance, but I don’t see where any is set.

On the much faster than expected speedfusion encrypted throughput on the upload side, with upload speed matching the spec for unencrypted on the upload side only, my fear was that somehow the upload side is not being encrypted (is that possible?) but both balance and fusionhub have AES 256 selected for speedfusion encryption.
Very impressive to get 145 on the upload side via AES speedfusion, so I’m thrilled to get that on this balance as long as I didn’t miss an encryption setting.

I don’t know… never sniffer it.

Can you change the mtu wan side?

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Well, interesting. Thank you very much for suggesting this.
I had the MTU set to manual 1500
I changed it to auto, it connected and set itself to MTU 1500, and now I have full download speed through the balance WAN1 of 304 mbps.
(I did reboot the balance with a firmware update from to latest .1 version)

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Upon closer inspection, I actually did have the enable checkbox checked for QOS Groups and for DSL/Cable optimization. I thought I had that off, but apparently I did not.
I think changing the wan settings cleared the “cpu bloat” one of those caused for a moment, but then it came back after a couple hours and wan speed was down from 300 to 200 mbps again.
Unchecking the enable box for both of those options seems good so far. Still running at 310 mbps now.

I setup a second speedfusion fusionhub and a new speedfusion connection to be sure encryption was enabled and I hadn’t somehow introduced an encryption glitch.

Still getting 86 mbps down and 132 mbps up over speedfusion 256 AES.

Pretty darn impressive given the 80mbps spec :smiley:

I like how peplink delivers!!! :slight_smile: :smiley:

I wonder if that means that decryption is somehow much more cpu intensive than encryption???