New Badges in the Peplink Forum

Our Peplink community is growing by the day, with more users, questions, and knowledge to share. With this, we want to recognize those active contributors to our community with new badges.

Peplink Team Members

Currently, the only badge in the Peplink Forum is the one shown in the image above, to represent the Peplink team. Soon, we will have two new badges in the forum.

Community Leaders

Our first new badge is for the Peplink Forum’s Community Leaders. Those with the Community Leader badge are among Peplink Forum’s most zealous members, who have been actively serving the growing community for an extended period. They are experts in all things Peplink and are considered as our community’s specialists. You can expect these users to not shy away from an engaging forum thread and are always ready to provide support and technical expertise to the community.

Star Members

Our other new badge is for the community’s Star Members. Star Members are those who have actively contributed, either creating or responding to posts, in the Peplink Forum. They are participative in forum threads, both asking and responding to questions, while sharing insights on Peplink-related topics. You can expect to see these members frequenting various forum posts and responding to questions within the community.

What’s coming?

These badges are only the start of something new for the Peplink community. We hope you continue to find and engage in meaningful and insightful conversations within the Peplink Forum. Stay tuned for updates and keep an eye out for these badges - who knows, we might just gift our top users something special at the end of the year!