Nating two diffrent subnets on LAN

is it possible to do Lan to Lan Nat with pep link. seem like you can only do this from wan interface to lan interface .

What do you hope to achieve with this? You can use Inter VLAN traffic and/or Virtual Network Mapping, depending on what you want to achieve.

the virtual nat only works from the Wan interface , i have O/T networks when companies merge that i need to do either 1 to 1 Nat or port forwarding between due to Same subnets on both company’s side, 2nd a lot of these Devices don’t have consecutive IP addresses. so even is i use Virutal Nat from the Wan port meaning their datacenter side it doesn’t address a tower location Lan side on different Vlan if i have the same subnet unless i go to every device and change IP . with their existing Microtik router i have the ability to do Mange packet from any interface using NAT . trying to stay all peplink