My Organization device search malfunction

Search for devices is not working from the main IC2 page. It can look up Organizations, groups and users just fine.

@Odd-Reidar_Fuglestad ,

Can you share the example search that you are performing ?

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See redacted below:

“Loading” will spin indefinately for devices without locating the device I’m searching for.

@Odd-Reidar_Fuglestad thank you for the screenshot. we will check on it.

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@Odd-Reidar_Fuglestad , IC2 Engineering team identified the issue. The issue related to the large number of devices and the search option may not work as expected. Tentatively this will be fix for coming 2.13.3 release.

P/S Let me move the discussion to a new forum post to keep the tracking post more clean and clear for the IC2 services monitoring status.

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Thank you for the update. Is there a release date for 2.13.3 yet?