Missing FusionHub Features

We like the latest features in the latest FusionHub software and are at the point where we’d like to start using them to firewall customer traffic traversing our data centers / cloud environments.
It looks like they’re still missing some features important to us that are present in the Peplink hardware devices like bandwidth control and options on the status page such as the client list and active sessions.
We need to make a decision on a firewall solution fairly soon. Are these features that will eventually be available for the FusionHubs? If so, any estimate on a timeframe?

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Hi, we will consider those features but cannot commit on the time frame. They will not be available shortly.

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@sanders555 IN the meantime, one way to do this today is to host a 3rd party virtual firewall appliance beside the Fusionhub in the cloud and send all traffic via the Fusionhub.


x2 the “active sessions” feature on FusionHub!

Is there any news on this? Maybe a beta firmware?
