MAX HD4 WAN failed DNS test connected to VSAT

Our maritime customer reports that the traffic over VSAT is disconnected regularly and it comes up WAN failed DNS test.

Any good solution for solving this matter?

Have you revise the DNS to for try ?

I’ll connect to the vessel and try.

In addition to using a reliable public (not the carrier’s) DNS as suggested by @bruce_kuok , make certain your time-out is long enough. Some VSATs exhibit rather long latency. (I’d probably add or something else to the target so you you are not reliant on a response from a single provider.)

I’ll forward your reccomendation to the vessel, the first one did not give any effect, hopefully this can help.

The onboard put in your recommendations but it just got worse, the VSAT is out for extended periods after adjustment, any other suggestions?

Received some error messages at the bottom of the image regarding VSAT connection

I’m wondering if the suggested information was entered correctly – in the correct location in the GUI. What are your settings for DNS servers and Health Check Settings? It appears you may have a DNS failure there rather than a health check failure.

They put it back as it was, then the VSAT function was better.
This is what he sent me of information based on your request

OK, that’s not how I would configure it. There are several alternatives but as a start i would make these changes:

  1. To the “DNS Servers” section: For now, leave the checkmark there but add and for DNS Server 1 and 2. (Or, for non-filtered, one could use something like and
  2. For the health check settings replace DNS Lookup in the drop-down with Ping. Then, add the following for Host 1 and 2: and Uncheck the first box that is presently checked and check the 2nd one.
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Hi, the vessel mad the recommendation you gave, but he wrote…Now we are out almost all day with this error message about DNS test…

I’m having a bit of a difficult time trying to follow where your screen shots are coming from but the 2nd one appears to show health checks still enabled.

I would additionally change the Timeout to the maximum, 10 seconds, and the check interval to a multiple >1 of the timeout (e.g., 30s).



I notice in your screenshot, you appear to only be using 1 WAN - VSAT… If that is true, simply disable health checks all together so it marks the WAN as UP at all times. If you are using multiple WANs, then disregard this suggestion. :slight_smile:

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