Max br2 - will not connect to 5ghz wireless wifi

I am going to use the Pepwave in my new RV and am trying it out at home to make sure all is working properly before I leave on a trip.
It connects to my home 2.4Ghz wifi, but will not connect to the 5Ghz wifi. I set up (2) seperate wifi WANS on my peplink. One for 2.4 and one for 5ghz. Signal strength for both frequencies are in the -54db range, so plenty of signal

whats the error?
what do the logs show?
screenshot of details page?
are you on latest firmware?

It will not connect to my "Home-Office 5G ". It only connects to Home-Office connection which is 2.4 Ghz.
WiFI Wan on 5Ghz just keeps scanning on Pepwave console. What really is confusing me is that if I connect my laptop to Outdoors - RV 5 Ghz with my laptop, I have internet, even though the Pepwave desktop is just scanning for it and not connected. Maybe I am just confused how this all works. (new User) I updated to latest version software.

You are connecting to LAN AP which is connected to your 2.4 ghz home AP via WiFi WAN thats how its working.

What happens when you press connect on the 5ghz??

You sure you are entering the right password?

When I hit connect it does nothing different. Just keeps scanning. Triple checked that password was correct. If I disable everything except the 5 Ghz , still does not stop scanning.

Can you change that Home Office 5G off of channel 132 which is a DFS channel and onto one of the following channels… 36 40 44 48 149 153 157 161 ?

Well now!! Changed to channel 36 and low and behold both 2.4 and 5 Ghz work on Pepwave now. However on my Mac laptop I can no longer see “Outdoor RV - 5 Ghz”. I can connect directly to home router 5G though. Must be some kind of mismatch. Tried channel 48 and 149 and both work on Pepwave - still no Outdoor RV 5 Ghz on Mac.
FYI - I don’t know what a DFS channel is but maybe ignorance is bliss??

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Has to do with radar systems sharing frequency with the AP. The AP and client have to detect the radar and move channels to avoid conflict. Peplink doesn’t support DFS channels.

As far as your MAC goes … You can use 5G for either Wifi WAN or to serve a signal to your MAC… Generaly you don’t want it doing both… that’s why it disappears when you connecting to 5G as a WAN.

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Think I finally got it. Channels 40, 44, 48, 149, and 161 for the 5Ghz wifi, work on both the Mac and the Pepwave.
Channel 165 would work on the Mac, but no 5g connect on Pepwave
Channel 36 and 157 would work on the Pepwave, but I would lose the “Outdoor RV - 5 Ghz” network on the Mac.
Thank you everyone! If anyone knows what happened, chime in.
Always ready to learn something even though I am old and retired!

Thank you for the explanation, that make sense!