Max BR1 mini 5g No wifi as wan option after license purchase

Good afternoon,

I have a MAX-BR1-MINI-5GN-T-M-PRM HW1. Firmware version 8.5.1 build 5203.

I wanted the wifi as wan so I purchased the add on pack. I still have the trial speed fusion license active.

The issue I am having is that I don’t see the wifi as wan option anywhere. I made sure the WAN port is not a Lan port.

I am beginning to think this version of the BR1 mini is missing this feature. I purchased this off Amazon. Can anyone confirm that this router doesn’t have this feature, or if I am missing something, point me in the right direction?

Photos of what I see on the network tab are below.

(post deleted by author)

As I know this device does not have build in WiFi.

Sorry… I was reading br1-pro. I am tired…

Correct… BR1-mini-5g don’t have WiFi… So… no WiFi WAN.

You need a BR1-PRO to do WiFi WAN.

That license on the br1 mini 5g , unlocks the wan port, wifi is not on this model.
There will be a new br1 mini 5g w/ wifi coming out in the next month.

What modem will be inside? Same RM520NGL?

Let me see if I can find out.