MAX Adapter 5G no Connection with Balance 310 5G


we recently puchased a MAX Adapter 5G to be combined with our Balance 310 5G via USB.

I thought this would be a plug and play thing. But unfortunately it isn’t. I’ve configured the Max 5G on my Laptop and there it is working flawlessly. We use Vodafone GigaCube as a service. I know that I need to enter a manual APN for that, which I did. As I said the connection works with the Laptop.

When I plug the Max 5G into the USB port of the Balance 310 5G, the Router starts to display that there is a good signal strength and that the connection type is LTE. But the connection status keeps spinning and spinning and never really establishes a connection.

Any idea how to solve this?

Thanks and cheers from Germany!

OK - Problem solved.

Seems to be a firmware issue.

The Balance 310 5G doesn’t like that the SIM card is inserted into slot B. If I put the card into sclot A it works.
