no longer showing up in IC2?

I’m not seeing the option for on the right in IC2 in the last day or two?

I use this all the time to request small improvements/notify bugs etc.

Is it coming back?

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@Michael /@billyl Was this remove on purpose or did it somehow not get added back?

No we did not removed the, it’s an essential tool in IC2 and we have no plan to remove or replace it.

I checked my PC and my phone (on mobile network), I can see the feedback button on the right side, can you help check if any error in the browser console using Chrome?

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billy, I’ll send it over

Hi Bryn,

It is ok now, please reload the page.

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I cleared my cache and cookies for and is still not showing up?

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Hi Jonathan,

Could you see the button in My Organizations or User account?
And please tell me the browser and platform (desktop or mobile) are you using to visit IC2?

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It does not show on either of those pages.
I have used it for a number of years, it just disappeared.
Desktop Chrome Version 130.0.6723.70 (Official Build) (64-bit)

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I’m still not seeing it

Got it- this time it was ublock origin, which must have decided recently that it didn’t like

@bryn.loftus What do I need to allow to my ublock origin?

I just added IC2 as an exception