Sorry for these basic questions - just giving PepVPN a try for the first time.
I’m looking at this guide:
Under the “Configure on each SpeedFusion peer -” section, it doesn’t seem to mention using the Pre-Shared key under the graphic.
[quote] Name the Profile - This IDs the VPN
Enter the Remote ID of the remote Peplink Balance unit. The Remote ID is the Local ID of the other endpoint.
Enter the WAN IP/DDNS Host Name of Remote peer.[/quote]
If the preshared key wasn’t entered, is the only thing used for authentication the RemoteID? Or the RemoteID plus the VPN connection “name”? Is the VPN connection name used for authentication? Can someone give me a quick explanation of how the authentication handshake works so I can hopefully get a grasp of it.
For my first try, I have fusionhub solo in the cloud and one peplink br1 mini, only.
On the fusionhub solo, I take it I enter the remoteID of the peplink BR1, that was setup on the peplink BR1 when I first clicked the PepVPN tab, and then both devices have to have the exact same pepVPN connecton name to connect, is that correct?
For security, should both the pepVPN connection name and the LocalID of both the fusionhub solo and the BR1 mini be as long as possible and random?
Is there brute force protection built into pepVPN? How does it work?
When I setup the fusionhub solo, I was a bit shocked to see ~10,000 failed login attempts on the ssh port 22 when I setup a cloud instance before installing fusionhub. I wouldn’t want those brute forcing the pepVPN connection…
If I enter a preshared key, do I just generate a random string as long as possible (how long is permitted maximum) and enter the same key (?) on both the fusionhub solo and the br1 mini? Are there any considerations when generating the preshared key?