Mange Peplink router from Mobile App

Dear All can any body help me, how to toggle between 2 wan links using Peplink Router utility App.


Do you mean to switch between 2 WAN links status in Router Utility, when you monitor a device? If so you need to back to the main page, then select the WAN to see the interface status.

Also, the Router Utility is a monitoring tool, so you would not have option to change settings on the device. If you need remote management everywhere, you can consider InControl 2 option, which more details can be found here.

Thanks and regards.

Thank You for your reply.

Looks like InControl 2 is a cloud based management tool, which can be accessed from internet browser. Is there any option to mange Peplink router from mobile app, like disabling the wan1, enabling wan2, restarting the router etc.


Mobile Management App is not available at the moment, however you can put this idea in our Feature Requests section, for further review and consideration.

Thanks and regards.

Hi aggish,

I will move your post to Feature Request.

Thank you.