[Known Issue] [v8.1.1] MAX BR1 Mini/BR1 Mini Core LTE-US Cellular Connection Issue

The MAX BR1 Mini (LTE-US-T and LTE-US-T-M) with active Verizon SIM card will experience the cellular connection issue after upgrading to firmware 8.1.1GA (8.1.1 build 5009), eg. detecting the Verizon SIM as ATT/TMobile, or, no APN selected.

We have prepared the fix with the new GA firmware (8.1.1s033 build 5014) and it has been updated on the firmware download website. Please load this latest GA firmware to the affected unit(s).

Other MAX BR1 Mini variants are NOT affected.

Reference ID: 24282


Hi WeiMing,
I’m noticing the initial 8.1.1 GA build was removed from IC2 and replaced with the 8.1.1s033 version which is great. I just tried to use the web interface firmware upgrade tool on a Mini and it did not report an available update. It may already be in progress, but if not, could the special build be added to the database that the devices check so that those using the included firmware update check will start seeing the special build available as well?



@Topher, thanks for highlighting to us, we will look into it.

It has been added, you should able to obtain that special firmware now when click on the [Check for Firmware] button. Do let us know the outcome once you have tested.

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Thanks @WeiMing
Everything looks good here. Thanks for the quick fix!


I’m noticing the initial 8.1.1 GA build was removed from IC2 and replaced with the 8.1.1s033 version which is great. I just tried to use the web interface firmware upgrade tool on a Mini and it did not report an available update. It may already be in progress, but if not, could the special build be added to the database that the devices check so that those using the included firmware update check will start seeing the special build available as well?

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