Keeping old firmware version in the Reboot slot?

I’m trying to diagnose some VLAN issues.

My balance one has firmware 8.4.1 and 8.5 (buggy) installed (which allows easy testing via the System / Reboot screen)

Is there some way I can keep 8.4.1, and test out 8.5.1 ?

I’m worried that if I install 8.5.1, then 8.4.1 will be pushed out of the old slot, and I’ll end up with my Reboot choices being 8.5.0 and 8.5.1.

A firmware update always installs into the non (Running) slot… So you will need to re-boot into Firmware1 and then run the upgrade. If you have made any configuration changes since the 8.4.1->8.5.0 update you will need to do them again or reload the saved 8.5.0 config.