IP Passthrough to VLAN going out all WANs

Hi Forum,
I am testing a configuration where I have 8 Starlinks connected to a Balance 2500EC.

6 of the Starlinks are to be Load Balanced (weighted balance or least used) to a LAN client on VLAN 10 (

1 of the Starlinks (STL7) is to be IP Passthrough via VLAN100 to a LAN client.

From my testing, LAN client for VLAN 100 is receiving the IP address from STL7, although traffic is being load balanced between Starlink 1 and 6, rather than going out Starlink 7.

Is there a way to lock down the LAN client in IP Passthrough to go in/out of STL7 only?

Create a priority outbound policy with the MAC address of the LAN client using IP passthrough as the source and STL7 as the WAN.

That’s exactly what I did a few minutes after posting and it has worked. I had to reboot the router to force existing sessions from the LAN client going out the bonded WANs.
I will monitor and let you know how the solution pans out.

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Yep, working very well. TY