IOS app not working over VPN

I first tried the new IOS app when I was away from home so I used my iPhone built-in VPN functionality to remotely connect to my Balance 30. However the app doesn’t seem to play nice when the VPN is enabled on my iPhone. The app is non-responsive (sits on the launch/splash screen) and then exits.

The app works fine locally

We will follow up the issue with you over email.


About this issue, I believe that was due to long app launching time when the network connectivity speed is slow (and I am able to reproduce it as well).

It seems not related to the communication between the app and router.

Apple doesn’t allow an app take too long to launch. We don’t know the exact value, but it should be max 8-10 seconds.

The issue has been addressed and will be available on next release.

Thanks for the prompt update.