Introducing Pepxim, the TA App, and the Smart Reader!

We are testing the Manual Attendance feature, it seems the supervisor didn’t get notification email when their subordinate submit a manual attendance record. We have to login to to check it.

Shouldn’t supervisor get a notification so they know they need to approve a request?


As for now workflow for eLeave (Leave application) & Manually Attendance (Attendance) are different.

Manual attendance notification only will sent to Admin only for approval while supervisor is not involve for this.

Would you able to share me the detail requirements that you need for the “Manually Attendance” ? I can definitely help to bring to to Engineering team for review.

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I’m the Admin but I still don’t get the notification email. How can I check to ensure I have the right settings? @sitloongs


Please enable the notification at admin accounts:

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Thanks @sitloongs


Would it be possible to have manual attendance sent to supervisor instead of Admin? usually staff didn’t make it to office should submit to supervisor approval.



The feature is available now :+1::+1::+1::+1:

Please check the screenshot below for the configuration.

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Can you please send me the user guide as well.

Can someone please point me in the right direction for obtaining a manual for setting up Time and Attendance.

Hey guys;
W use a lot of different Peplink products. So when the PEPXIM

We have 4 PEPXIM smart readers deployed for a customer. I have been unable to find a manual so I am going to reach out here with a few questions.

  1. How do you set up scheduling when some employees schedules rotate from week to week?

  2. Is there a guide on setting up the schedule rules. I have several setup but they do not seem to be very flexible.

  3. In the AM and PM break in the rules, can I use this for Lunch schedules for employees. The Employees lunch time varies from person to person.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

@Jonathan_Pitts & @David_Hall1

We have some tutorial included in the following URL:

Do you think it can help ?

Else please private message me your TA setup info then we can discuss further on the setup.


Hi Allen we have an opportunity with Pepxim Access control, and I have a few questions.

Does the smart reader includes cloud TA app licenses? like MAX series that includes one year Incontrol2?