InTouch and RDP

I have a setup with a number of BR1 routers running PepVPN to a Balance router on a central location. Behind each BR1 I have a computer I am trying to connect to using RDP in the new InTouch service. Given that the network this equipment is running on is terminated in the Balance router, I figured the service would work just fine from InControl2 on the Balance router, but this seems not to be the case. When I try to open the RDP, all I get is “Permission denied - Login failed”. Anyone know the reason why? Do I need to open some sort of service on the BR1 routers?

I can use RDP from a Windows machine, running Remote Access User to the Balance router and the network in question, so I am not quite sure what is going on here.

InTouch is a web proxy service, it’s not intended for other protocols.

Its multi-protocol, or at least will be. Support for Remote Desktop, VNC, SSH, and Telnet is on the way and in partner beta at the moment.

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Oh, fascinating. I guess I’m behind on my partner news. :slight_smile:

Do you see the following screen?


If so, you are meeting an RDP authentication issue.

InTouch only supports authenticating an RDP session with a username and password configured in the InTouch profile. It does not support authenticating with your local PC’s Windows session. For security, you may leave the password field empty in the profile. Then you will be prompted to enter the password every time you start an RDP session.

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That is the screen I am getting.

I have tried everything from leaving it blank to have both user and password inserted in the InTouch profile. Still the same every time.

The issue has been resolved after we have changed some server-end settings. It was because of an authentication compatibility issue.


hi, i got an issue and the RDP works well if i use the LAN IP address of the computer, but if i use computer name, then it will not work, any idea?

Can you ping the device name from the device you are setting the intouch config on? If not add a local DNS entry for it and then try again.

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I had a problem for a long time and couldn’t get RDP working using anything at all. I opened a ticket and I can now connect using the IP and even the user login credentials


thanks and just feel this is not a permanent solution, as some device may changed its IP or replaced (i know we can reserve IP for that but feel this still not best solution)

You need some sort of name resolution to work for remote access if you plan to use the name for InTouch and not the IP.

Your only options if you don’t statically assign the IP (or use a DHCP reservation) are static DNS, Netbios over TCP/IP (NetBT) or WINS.

Peplink devices must already use NetBT since when I look at the client list I see name resolution of devices on my network.

When you look at the Client List on the Peplink is the target device there and does it have a name? It maybe that name resolution is already working by InTouch only accepts FQDN and IPs.

thanks Martin, how can we configure this, i am not really IT or Network person and just because we have ships need to put Starlink on board.

I’ll message you and we can take a look and work it out together.