Inter VLAN routing

I have multiple VLAN set up. a 10.x.x.x for PCI compliance, a 172.x.x.x for phones, a 192.168.28.x for WiFi and 192.168.x.x for untagged vlan. Inter VLAN routing is enabled on all except PCI Compliance. However, I cannot ping or print to a printer on at from Any ideas?

Does the printer have a default gateway assigned or configured?

Assigned via DHCP reservations. Settting the printers to Static IP did not resolve the issue. The printers are still showing as offline and unable to print to them.

Settting the printers to Static IP did not resolve the issue. The printers are still showing as offline and unable to print to them.

You are able to ping the printer or print from the 192.168.0.X network but not from other networks? 192.168.0.X and 192.168.28.X are both /24 networks so they are not overlapping or part of the same network? If these are separate networks can the Balance ping both and

All networks on the Balance are /24
Intervlan routing is enabled on .0 and .28 networks.
1 printer is hard coded on the printer with ip, subnet and gateway
1 printer is receiving reserved ip, subnet and gateway from the Peplink
I can ping computers on the .28 network from the .0 network.
I can ping computers on the .0 network from the .28 network.
I can print from the .0 network to the .0 network
I cannot print from the .28 network to the .0 network.
I cannot ping from the .28 network on the Balance
I can ping from the .0 network on the Balance

The networks are not overlapping. I gave the networks a large IP buffer so we would never run out.


Just to clarify.

  1. Possible to ping from the printer ( to Do let me know the result.

  2. Please provide the screen shot of the Internal firewall (Network > Access Rules > Internal Network Firewall Rules). Please open ticket for us to check further if this is sensitive.

Thank you.

Here is the picture. All is allowed internally.


Sorry a bit confused. So able to ping to and vice versa? Your original reported issue is not able to ping/print to here.

So in summary, you just can’t print from to to, other communication like ping is working fine. Right?

Initially I was unable to ping it either. Now I am, however still unable to print to it which is odd. Computer says “looking for printer”


I suspect is contacting host name of instead of IP when you are doing print job. Please check and confirm.

I am trying to use Bonjour Service forwarding, but whenever I configure it, click save then apply, it disappears. I found the same issue in We’re on firmware 6.2.2. Why won’t these settings save?


Are you are using Bonjour Service to do printing? If this is true, please upgrade to v6.3RC and try again.

How close is this Beta to becoming a final release?

Probably any day now…

So I see that the 580HW1 will not receive the new firmware for a while. We need bonjour service as soon as possible. Half our computers are Apple. Do you have an update on when it will be released for HW1?


v6.3.0 for Balance 580 Hw1 will be available on Q2 2016.