Installing android router Utility

I’m not able to install the peplink Router Utility.
Is there an installation guide about how to install it.

Where can I find the Hostname. I know it is the external Ipadress.
But I’m unable to locate it. Please help.

The username and password is the same as the pepwave dashboard?

Are there any other installations I need to do?

kind regards,



Host name field refer to resolvable domain name for the Peplink devices. If you manage the devices from the external and you doesn’t have resolvable domain name for the Peplink devices, you can fill in the “Host Name” field by putting the WAN Public IP address for the device.

To allow Router utility manage the device from External, make sure you allow the Web Admin access from WAN, else router utility will not able to connect to the device.

For more information, please refer to the attached screenshots:

The username and password are same as the Web Admin Access for the device.

Thank You

Hi Sitloongs,
Can you also give me screenshot where I can find the WAN Public IP.
If it is in the same screen as the screenshot you’ve shown, than the app still doesn’t work.

Thanx and greetings,



You can check the WAN IP address by accessing the WebAdmin dashboard.

Balance device:

Max device:

P/S: Make sure WAN have Public IP address if you want to manage the device from internet.

Thank You