The latest InControl2 User’s Guide was released February 3, 2017. InControl2 has had more than a few revisions since then. It’s well past time to get this document updated. I regularly receive questions about how to use InControl2 that I have to dig to answer as they aren’t covered in the existing document. It should be updated regularly in the same manner as the firmware update documentation.
With IC2 being as integrated into the Peplink ecosystem as it is, not having a user guide or manual for it can be very unattractive to customers. It may be familiar to those of us that use it daily, but for anyone new to Peplink, InControl2 can be a daunting undertaking and there is currently no up to date resource for using it. Just like any hardware platform has a user manual, InControl2 should as well.
Considering that the new switch line will be only IC2 configurable this is extremely important to update. Starting to see tickets come up for this now.
Wait. ONLY IC2 configurable? Then,
A: 1000% agree with this comment, IC2 needs clear documentation.
B: I’ll never buy those switches. One of the strengths of Peplink is I can login locally and solve a problem. Does anyone really want another Unifi?
Waiting for new guide too.
I couldn’t agree more!!! I also wish their were current and in-depth training videos on using the numerous IC2 features. IC2 is so powerful but getting there is a challenge.
PLEASE provide and update regularly documentation for IC2.
As a home office DIYer with enough IT experience to be dangerous I have enjoyed the evolution of IC2 as it gets better and better, BUT when I spend months away from IC2, because everything is working nominally and I don’t need any changes, I have to climb the curve again just to make a slight change or try to figure out why something isn’t working as it should.