InControl question - de-registering

How can I remove a device from my InControl account?
I see a gray button to “Add devices” but nothing about removal.
I found an Actions button with a Remove option, but that does not sound like de-regisetering.

Reason I ask: Someone bought an AP from Amazon and sent it to me to configure. I gave it them when I was done, but eventually they returned it to Amazon, fully configured with all my customizations. Needless to say Amazon is not going to restore it to factory settings. A while later, the AP sends me an email (one of my customizations) that it is online with a public IP of 192.168.50.something.

I feel sorry for whoever bought the AP, but I don’t know how to de-register it from my account.

The “Remove” action is what you want: It deregisters your device from your IC2 organizaiton, with an option to clear all the IC2-controlled settings from the device.

And likely equally important, since this device is no longer in your possession nor under your ownership, deregistering provides the full functionality of the device (incl. access to IC2) to the new owner.



Thank you. Will do.