InControl login password reset w/o current PW

So not sure what happened and Im sure I am the problem… ID10T issue. I setup the InControl2 and password on day one. Somehow the two-authenticator ( WHICH I THINK IS STUPID THAT IT DOESNT USE TEXT LIKE EVERY OTHER 2A OUT THERE) didn’t set up correctly on ANY of my devices so when I try to login it asks for code…

I did go to the computer and the IT guy creating the Web application was smart enough to add a link for (No Access To Device) for this code. The problem is I can’t change the password even once logged in thru the computer as it wants the current password before it will accept the change.
I did write down the password I had used, and confirmed it was typed in correctly, but still I am unable to login to InControl. Please help this idiot how do I either Wipe the account and start over or change the password on InControl and for the love of GOD how do I get those damn verification codes?

text 2fa is insecure and subject to attack vectors such as sim swapping

Yes but twice the information different sites means twice the chance hackers can get the information. It just means PL is putting their legal health in the hands of these other sites.
Anyhow back to the original question how do I restart the account?