InControl 2 API : Refresh Token


I’m having problem with the token…

We’re building a back-end to gather data from the IC2 API to serve our customer regarding our site’s performance…

  1. The issue is, we want the back-end that we built to be automated, but IC2 API require human interaction to click that accept button to get the token for the first time…

  2. Also, we did notice that along with the token there are **refresh token **but we cant seem to find where to use it…

Pls help…

Thanks in advance

  1. If your application just accesses your organization, you can apply for a client ID and access the API with the ID. Your application will not be prompted to grant access. Please refer to the description of the documentation for how to apply one.

  2. You could just use the token endpoint but with the grant type of “refresh_token” to use the refresh token. Please refer to the OAuth 2.0 standard.