In Control Is NOT in Control

In control…isn’t! In Control 2 shows my location at Wyoming when I’m actually at New Mexico and with an old version of BR1 software installed. It should be smarter then that. How come it’s wrong? How can it be fixed in order to be useful?

It sounds like your subscription expired and it’s showing the information from when it was last active.
Either that or you’ve got the wrong serial number.

If location info comes from your public IP address, this will always be less than perfect. If location info comes from the GPS antenna, then I have no idea.

Do you have the GPS antenna connected?
If you had the GPS antenna connected in Wyoming but are now in New Mexico without the antenna connected, InControl2 will show the last location where the GPS got a fix.

It appears Jason’s got the solution…warranty expired at the same time as the GPS went dead. I signed up for the free one month trial so that it reinstates. Then, I can assess needs. Thanks for the clue