How to use fixed ip from other site

I have to peplink connected with speed fusion. let say site A and B.
I have in the site B , 20 fixed IP.
It there a way to use one of this ip for example my server in site A.
So i will use the fixe ip from site B, to have an access over the web.

Yes. You could use 1:1 NAT mappings using the IP addresses on your Peplink at Site B pointing the external IP to the internal IP of the Server at Site A. Then at Site A you would add an outbound route that sends all traffic from the server over the SpeedFusion link to Site B so its outbound traffic uses that same WAN IP.

Remember with a 1:1 NAT mapping all traffic will be forwarded to the server, so you will want to add firewall rules on Site B to restrict inbound traffic to only the ports required (ie Ports 80 and 443 if its a web server).

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