How to use Firewall PPTP behind Peplink?

Hi team,
I have this problem situation :

Diagram Connection:

internet <--------> Router (As a Bridge) <------------> (PPoe dial-up)WAN 1- Peplink - LAN (<---------->( - Firewall <------> Local Network

My customer want used PPTP VPN on Firewall behind Peplink, so i try configure and test. But no success.
So, How configure step this situation on Peplink ?

Basically, IP 47 and TCP 1723 need to be forwarded to your firewall. We have a knowledge base article on this here.

In this scenario, you will have to configure inbound access (port forwarding) in the Peplink Balance.

Generally PPTP needs the following information in the Balance:

IP Protocol=TCP, TCP Port number=1723 <- Used by PPTP control path
IP Protocol=GRE (value 47) <- Used by PPTP data path

Therefore, you will need to create two configurations in the Balance. Network > Inbound Access (Port forwarding) > Services > Add Service

  1. IP Protocol = TCP Single Port 1723 / Inbound IP Address(es) <- you set up the public IP address of the WAN(s) / Included Server(s) <- it should be the IP of your Firewall (
  2. IP Protocol = Protocol Number 47 / Inbound IP Address(es) <- the same as the above. / Included Server(s) <- the same as the above.

Please let us know if you have any issues.