How to run a Docker application on a Peplink Mediafast router

MediaFast enabled routers can host Docker containers when running firmware 7.1 or later.
Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications.
From firmware version 7.1.0 upwards it is possible to install and run Docker Containers on your Peplink Mediafast 500 or 750 router.

Due to the nature of Docker and its unlimited variables; this feature is supported by Peplink up to the point of creating a running Docker Container.
Information about Docker can be found on the Docker Documentation site:

This will allow you to to run for example a file sharing platform (Owncloud), a web server (Wordpress, Joomla) , a learning platform (Moodle) or a visualisation tool for viewing large scale data (Kibana).
The Peplink router will search through the Docker Hub repository when creating a new Docker Container.

To install a docker container follow these steps:

Log on to the Peplink Mediafast router to configure the storage on the router’s hard disk

Select: System > Storage Manager> Format

Select the amount of storage desired for Docker and click format.
Confirm your choice and wait until the router has finished preparing the storage.

When the storage is prepared you see the following screen:

Install the Essential Package by clicking the button next to the Essential Package option

You are now ready to install Docker Containers on the Peplink Mediafast Router.
Note: Be aware that some Docker images rely on other Docker images to work and some Docker images do not run on the Mediafast Router at all.
Start by following the link that says:

“Click here to import Docker images from custom URL”

“Click here to search and download Docker images “

1: Search and download Docker images

Type in part of the docker image name you are going to install.
In this example we are installing Owncloud (an open source file sharing solution for online collaboration and storage).
Searching for Owncloud displays various results.
We select the result with most stars (ratings).
Since Docker is Open Source, anyone can create and upload Docker images and won’t always be bug-free (or even work).
It is advisable to select a Docker image with a good rating.
After selecting the download button; the Docker image gets downloaded and installed.
You should end up with a message saying: “installation completed”.

Click on the plus sign next to the application and enter docker run or docker create command
Type “Docker run owncloud” to start this Docker image.
The ”Docker run” command should be followed by the name of the application.

A new option has appeared, select the “play” button to start the Docker Container.
This Container then receives an ip address from the Peplink Mediafast router.

Add the ip address in a web browser to open the application (in many cases this needs to be followed by the port that the application uses).
The application can now be configured from a web browser using the assigned ip address.

2.Import Docker images from custom URL

After clicking the option to import Docker images from Custom URL the following window appears:

Type in the URL to the Docker image and click on “import”.
The Name and Version fields are optional.


Hi Erik, on Peplink web site, the function of docker, seems to be supported also by Mediafast 200. But when i try to connect on my Mediafast 200 , i can’t find this function!!
The device Mediafast has the last firmware 7.1.1 .



As for now Docker container only support for MFA 500 and MFA 750. Thank you for point that out. We will fix the unclear information.

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Hi Erik and team,
Will it be possible to use Peplink Docker support to run a network virtual appliance, like a DPI, a firewall virtual appliance, etc.?

Many thanks,

Thanks for clarification .



does the MAX-Routers with MediaFast support Docker? Or “only” the 2 bigger ones of the Balance Series?
I’m looking for a portable LTE-Version with Docker


@dennis.hofheinz, @sitloongs has provided the answer below.

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Thank you for the answer.
It was not clear for me, because asimula asked for the MFA 200.

Any plans for Docker-Support on LTE Devices?


It is supported on EPX :slightly_smiling_face:

Existing versions of HD4/HD2 MFA will not support docker - there is a CPU limitation.

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Is there plans for a HD4 MBX MediaFast that could support Docker?

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@SamuelNorris yes, HD4 MBX MediaFast SKU is able to run Docker containers.

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Hello team,

Can you share the available CPU and RAM for this?
What kind of performances can we expect (video processing?) ?


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Hi Pierre-Gilles,

For Docker, our engineers have applied a limit for RAM per container, which is half of the device’s memory. We haven’t set a limit on CPU usage for the docker container.

Kind regards,


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Hi Erik,

This is pretty vague. Any details on # of cores, size of RAM etc?


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