How to Remove BYO eSIM?

We have a MAX Transit Duo PRO and we change esim from time to time,
Is there a way to remove the BYO eSIM without doing a factory reset?

Regards Joakim

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The eSIM deletion is supported via IC2 for the devices with the firmware 8.4.1 and above. Make sure your device is upgraded using firmware 8.4.1 and you should able to find the eSIM deletion option (Device Tools)


Thank you,
I was running 8.4.0 so could not see it,
After updating the option was visible and old eSims are removed.
Thanks !

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I am not able to delete a used eSim either. I do have the latest firmware 8.4.1 and the “delete eSim” does show in the drop down menu. When I select the eSim to delete, I get a message back that it was not deleted.

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You also have to login to the local web ui of the modem, go to dashboard, click on the cellular connection, uncheck the enable box, then look for the sim card section under cellular settings, then uncheck any esims in there.
Then return to the incontrol2 settings->tools, then you can delete the esim.

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