On a Linux or Mac terminal, run the following openssl command to generate a csr and a private key file:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out servername.csr -keyout servername.key
Fill in the answer for the questions accordingly. If you made any mistake, just press Ctrl+C and start over again.
IMPORTANT: Put your InControl Appliance’s server name into the “Common Name” field.
Run “cat servername.csr
” to print the csr file’s content.
Run “cat servername.key
” to print the private key file’s content. -
Pick an SSL issuer (Comodo, DigiCert, GoDaddy, GeoTrust, NameCheap, Thawte, VeriSign, etc.). Follow their instructions to buy a cert. You will be asked for a csr file. Just send the above generated csr file.
A signed certificate will be received after going through the process. Please paste the certificate to the Web Server SSL Certificate field, and paste the private key
generated in step 1 to the Web Server SSL Private Key field on the Control Panel of the InControl Appliance. Press the Save button to make the change effective.
Note: the private key should begin with a line “-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
” or “-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
If the issuer also provides you with a “bundle/chain” of intermediate and root certificates, you should also paste them to the end of the signed certificate in the Web Server SSL Private Key field. For example:
[Signed certificate]
[Intermediate certificate (optional)]
[Root CA certificate (optional)]
ok i try it Work
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The instructions seem pretty straightforward except for how to login to the terminal on the IC2 VM. None of the usernames and passwords I have work to get past the login/password
Any help would be appreciated.
The default passwords are included in the setup guide which is downloadable from HERE.
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