How to enable Wifi on WAN on Max BR1 Mini HR3

I knew that WiFi as WAN was an extra fee for this device. I purchased a year of Primecare (mostly to get WiFi as WAN) yesterday and the order status in the portal is now “Completed”.

I do see the device via InConnect. The event log shows SpeedFusion Cloud being enabled after InConnect connected.

I don’t see the WiFi as a WAN option on the device dashboard. Only cellular. I dont see any keys except for SpeedFusion Cloud in the pepwave portal.

So how do I enable WiFi as WAN?

What is the exact model number BR1 mini you have?
Have you upgraded your firmware to 8.3?

Model info is: MAX-BR1-MINI-LTEA-US-T-PRM
Firmware is: 8.2.0 build 4901

I was positive the firmware upgrade said no upgrade available yesterday, but now I see 8.3.1

And upgrading to 8.3 did address it.

Why isn’t the presence of a firmware update boldly located on the dashboard or on InControl? Seems like an important piece of information to see first thing after login.

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inControl has lots of settings you can set centrally, like firmware version per device model for instance. So it will automatically upgrade the firmware to the one you set. By default this is disabled.