How to Disassemble Pepwave SOHO MK3

Does anybody have pictures of a disassembled SOHO MK3?

I bought this one used, and i want to make sure everything inside looks legit. (No bubblegum, no duct tape, no microphones, etc.)

Removing the four screws from the bottom was easy. But what comes off next? My thin plastic pry bar can only get in at the long ends, and that doesn’t seem to gain me anything.

Here are some photos after I got it apart

The secret sauce was to remove the two stickers on the bottom, which reveals two screws (for a total of six screws on the bottom).

Then remove both the front panel sticker and back panel sticker, and the top will lift right off.

Top panel showing where the six screws attach

All the stickers

and the board: clean & shiny

Congratulations on destroying the router. Now you can add some bubblegun to glue it all back together! :roll_eyes:

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@Sophies ,
Welcome to the forum.
Looks like you have done this before!
Thanks for sharing, always nice to see how things are put together, and what it looks like on the inside!
I appreciate it.

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