How to define the outbound traffic weight ratio at Weighted Balance?

I have total 4 WAN which is WAN1-30MB; WAN2-1.5MB, WAN3-1.0MB, WAN4-45MB, WAN5-30MB.
What is the best define the outbound traffic weight ratio for each WAN connection 1 to 10?

Below is my existing weight ratio. Please advise best practice…Thank you very much.

Hi Steiven,

The outbound load balance is based on the application requirement and usage. For example Persistence is needed if you have HTTPS connection. An effective outbound load balance may consist of multiple Outbound Algorithms to make everything work smoothly.

Thank you.

What I mean is how to ration 1 to 10 base on my existing WAN speed of WAN1-30MB; WAN2-1.5MB, WAN3-1.0MB, WAN4-45MB, WAN5-30MB?

3:2:1:5:3? or 10:10:10:10:10? What is the best practice?

Example 1 – Setting up Weighted Balance Rules

The basic idea behind Weighted Balance rules is to govern how Peplink Balance distributes outgoing traffic requests across multiple WAN links.

To illustrate, with the following link configuration:

WAN1: 3M (DSL)
WAN2: 2M (E1)
WAN3: 3M (DSL)

The Weighted Balance rule should be set as follows:

Service: General
Source & Destination IP: Any
Protocol & Port: Any
Algorithm: Weighted Balance
Load Distribution Weight: 3 : 2 : 3 (Derived from 3M : 2M : 3M)

This distributes a larger proportion of traffic to WAN1 and WAN3 to take advantage of the faster links, and a smaller proportion of traffic to WAN2 to prevent over-saturation of the slower link.

Example 2 – Setting up Per-service Weight Balance Rules

Some types of WAN links have different upstream and downstream speeds (e.g. ADSL with 3M upstream and 512K downstream). In such cases, upload-intensive services may require special fine-tuning.

A common example is outgoing email (SMTP), where traffic is mostly upstream.

Building upon the previous link configuration:

WAN1: 3M Downstream, 512K Upstream (DSL)
WAN2: 2M Downstream, 2M Upstream (E1)
WAN3: 3M Downstream, 512K Upstream (DSL)

A per-service Weighted Balance rule should be added for SMTP as follows:

Service: SMTP
Source & Destination IP: Any
Protocol & Port: TCP 25
Algorithm: Weighted Balance
Load Distribution Weight: 1 : 4 : 1 (Derived from 512K : 2M : 512K)