How to change personal and security data?

For all of PepLink - forum, InControl, other:How do I change email address? How do I change password? How do I change TOTP codes? Can I use a security key?Those are specifics, but in general, how do I update? I have old, unused email addresses linked to my name and would like to bring it up to date. I’m not using InControl at present but might with future purchases; right now my Multi-Factor Authentication is TOTP on Authy and I’d like to get off of Authy but I see no place to do so on the InControl site. Of course, if I just dump Authy I’ll be locked out of my InControl account.

Edit: I’m having trouble with the forum software. I attempted to edit my previous question and discovered that I “resolved it,” which I did not, so I’m posting it again.

I’m unable to edit the first paragraph, so I will add that I was able to find the place to edit the password through The other questions still apply. Thanks.