How to change PepVPN Local ID when managed by Incontrol

How to change PepVPN Local ID when it is managed by Incontrol, Local ID is hostname of the device + S/N when change Device name PepVPN localD is still remain as old Hostname even when you do full device rest.

The local ID is committed to IC2 when the device first comes online and generally does not change for the lifetime of the device. As changing the Local ID will cause all your connected PepVPN links to break until the configurations at both sides have been updated with the new value, we generally avoid this for network stability reasons. (If you’re using IC2 to manage your devices, most of the time you don’t need to even know your Local ID, let alone change it)

The default value of HostName + SN is generally just to ensure uniqueness, but not as strict as using the actual SN to allow for device (eg. RMA) replacement.

If you really need the local ID changed on a device, please contact support and we can handle the ID change manually.

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I already have ticket on this issue for last 3 weeks, it was escalated to engineering team with no resolution yet.

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Is this ticket 9070814?
The last reply from our end appears to be a request that you confirm a safe time to perform maintenance on your settings. Changing the site ID of the device will cause all devices connected to it to renegotiate their connections.


Hello Sam,

I wanted to check in to make sure our response to you didn’t get caught in your spam filter. We had responded to you on the 23rd with another solution but haven’t received a response back from you.

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I have raised the ticket #9110791 for Peplink to change the PepVPN Local ID on InControl2 of a Surf SOHO Router.

This will resolve the issue of having two routers in InControl2 with the same PepVPN Local ID. This happened because a configuration from another router was loaded in the mentioned router right before it joined InControl2. I did research in the Forum as I could not rename the InControl PepVPN Local ID and any attempt to change it from the device resulted in the same old name being re-written after the changes were made.

Thanks for your response and the information in this post.

Helo @JamesPep & @Michael,
I’ve changed @SAM post over to a feature request as we also have been caught by the effect of InControl2 changing the PepVPN Local ID. Most of the time the setting of the PepVPN Local ID is fine, though when you need to change/swap/replace a router or are using a PepVPN that is running outside of the organization been managed, this is problematic.
Please add in the ability/option to manually set the PepVPN Local ID from InControl2.
Happy to Help,
Marcus :slight_smile:


Hopefully, you can help us with the manual configuration of the Local IDs. There’s a case that a configuration of a device was loaded on multiple devices before they went online and be connected to the IC2. This cause issue establishing the SpeedFusionVPN.


Did you get help with this issue?

Have the same problem here

Hi @Patrik,

I believe a new feature has been added to InControl with 2.8.4 which allows you to change this on InControl and push a new Local ID to the device.

At the device page, edit the device and scroll down, you’ll see the new fields:-


Change the PepVPN Site ID to the new value and save the changes - this will be pushed to the device.

I hope this helps,


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Hi Patrik,

Before, you need to create a support ticket to resolve this. After the new release of the IC2 features, you can now manually configure/fix it like on @SteveTaylor post above.