How do I check the status of the ticket?

How does one go about checking on status of Open Support Ticket?
What about updating or adding to an Open Support Ticket?

Can you further elaborate your requests above ?

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Hello Sitloongs @ PepLink:

I have an open Ticket:
#784100] WAN 1/2 on two Balance One Core will not connect to D-Link Cellular Modem, but MacBook will connect.

 I would like to check status of ticket.  But I can not find any way to look at ticket.

 I would like to also add some information to ticket.

How do I look at my open Ticket:
#784100? How do I add information to Ticket:

Can you provide a Link to Webpage that lets customers enter their open Ticket #s for checking status and adding information?


Jeff Shaffer

You should receive an automated message (e-mail) to acknowledge the receipt of the ticket you opened. Our technical support will follow up with you soon.

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emails to individual people does not scale as they go on vacation, change teams,…
You guys need to provide a way to see the history for a given ticket so that someone else can follow up with appropriate context.


Thank you for the valuable feedback

We are improving this so that support/partner/customer will have more interactive ways to work on the ticket.