Help with API config.wan.connection

I’m trying to modify the bandwidth allowance settings for my cellular connection. The following is being accepted by the API but the settings aren’t changing. Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

"action": "update",
"list": [
		"cellular": {
			"sim": {
				"1": {
					"bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": {
						"start": 3,
						"monthlyAllowance": {
							"value": 20,
							"unit": "GB"


I managed to get the start date working but the actual allowance is still a mystery to me.

My problem was that “sim” needs to be an array.

"action": "update",
"list": [
		"id": 2,
		"cellular": {
			"sim": [
					"id": 1,
					"bandwidthAllowanceMonitor": {
						"enable": true,
						"start": 10,
						"monthlyAllowance": {
							"value": 13,
							"unit": "GB"
1 Like

I’m also having trouble with updating the config using the “config.wan.connection” endpoint. Granted, it does say its a beta endpoint in the docs but I tried the example they provide and couldn’t get enable/disable to work so anything else is probably futile as well. My ultimate goal is to only change the band selection and keep all other parameters.