GUI enhancement for large installations #2 network=>speedfusion page

We are running into some serious management issues with our hub SDX-PRO routers, which have between 500 and 800 speedfusion profiles and upwards of 1200 static routes or outbound policies and some grouped networks with many entries.
The issues are not bugs - the router is working as designed. Rather they are evidence that although an SDX-PRO can handle 800 SF peers and an EPX 4000…no one on the GUI dev side has actually USED one with that kind of volume in use. Frankly, I cannot imagine managing thousands of peers/routes etc the way it is now.
I am going to break this up into multiple requests, as there are five different ones I would like to see, but they are unrelated to each other, other than that they are about capacity.
#2 is the speedfusion management page
2a add a quick filter search (similar to one on speedfusion status) that searches by profile name, remote peer ID, remote IP addr.
Would be very useful when trying to find/edit one out of hundreds or thousands or profiles
2b option for pagination (default show all). Takes a while to load 800 profiles on a low end device or mobile

We are considering this. We are trying something like this but it is not the final. Subject to change.


Can we get a response and timeline on this?
The below suggestion would for for our needs

This will be available in 9.0.0.

Thank you. I will be sure to test the release candidates for 9.0.0