GPS Priority & Management

Hi All,

As the amount of GPS inputs are steadily increasing, we are missing a way to manage them, and priority.

An example below,
SDX Pro with 3x Starlink, 2x HD1 Dome Pro in Synergy mode and a TCP & UDP feed available from precision navigation system.

There is currently no way of selecting which GPS is being used out of the 7 options the above example would have - nor set a priority or select which one is used to output GPS/NMEA forwarding.

Could we please implement this feature?
And perhaps also support other things such as heading as this sometimes play a role when troubleshooting (even when sitting still).



Sounds like a sensible idea to me!


+1 from me as well, We also need to know what the map source is from starlink, GPS , cellid?

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I agree - basically more management and awareness around how things connect now that we have so many!!

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+1 on this as a feature request. The older Pepwave MAX HD4 model previously offered 2 x SMA GPS connections for redundancy.

Now, with Synergy and StarLink options enhancing the GPS features within the current firmware, can it be added to the 8.5.1 beta release?

Happy to Help,
Marcus :slight_smile:

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