GPIO IGN I/P Settings

MAX BR1 Cat 20 Firmware 8.4.1
Are we able to increase the ignition setting beyond 21600 seconds (6hrs)
We would like to try 10hrs or 36000 sec.


We have an application for which that would be useful as well.

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@AlB @Rick-DC What is the practical max you would need? :sweat_smile:

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Hi @Eddy_Yeung . I think about 12 hours would be sufficient. (Glad Peplink included this feature some time ago- TU.)

my apologies. i should have been more clearer.
we are unable to increase the value beyond 21600 (6hrs).
we would like to get 36000 (10hrs), but as you can see we cannot.

This is clear. We can go up to 12 hrs so 10 hrs should be fine. This will go into the coming release. ETA is not yet confirmed.

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