FusionHub & Vultr


There is a new VPS provider called Vultr (Vultr.com). They allow uploading of custom ISO images.

I was wondering if I could obtain the image and test fusionhub with them. They are very cheap and have 14 different locations.



If you have a InControl2 account you can obtain a evaluation license/image. Otherwise see below link for installation guide and how to obtain the iso.

(See bottom of the page)

I do have an inControl2 account. I have a license indeed, but there is no ISO there, just a ZIP file.

Please help.

If it works, I’m sure others will follow. I will post here how it went if you help me.



If you are logged into IC2, go to Warranty and Licenses. Once there you will click “Download Latest FusionHub” (zip file). The iso should be inside the zip file.

Good evening.
I have just downloaded the latest FusionHub (6) to try with this provider. I don’t see any .iso file.
I have the following three files in the respective folders plus three info PDF’s
I’m going to try an older ISO I have to see if it will boot

The Fusionhub User manual, step 8 says there should be 4 files, OVF, ISO File, VHD and MF File. But the ISO is not there. There are only three files. Can it be downloaded or sent via private message?


I think you are referring to user manual for old version of FusionHub (6.2.0).
You can find the latest installation guide (6.2.1) here

FusionHub no longer bundles with ISO file. Please check with your provider whether ova, vhd or vmdk format are supported.

Is it possible to include ISO in future versions as a lot of the VPS providers only have support for ISO images.
I’ve been try to convert the new files to ISO with no luck.

I don’t understand what the mystery is about the ISO file. Can it not be shared or downloaded from a link or FTP? I had great plans with FusionHub, I guess I’ll go somewhere else. Speedify maybe.

Due to the virtual disk need to be pre-formatted and writable, FusionHub cannot be packaged with just a single ISO file. Please check with your provider whether ova, vhd or vmdk are supported.

None of the three are supported. Any other ideas?

Sorry to let you know we only support ova, vmdk and vhd currently.

Soriam, were you able to solve this matter?

Unfortunately no! I contacted VULTR support and they don’t support those formats. I will trying AWS for the moment.

What about support for HostVirtual (https://www.hostvirtual.com), they also use XEN Virtualization. Amazon and all its EC2 regions are way too far away from me, latency is horrible, throughput is bad. HostVirtual has got better locations closer to me. Do you think it would be possible to run it paravirtualized with them?

What about https://www.cloudconverter.com/
Do you think this could work?


As long as hostvirtual.com supports ova, vmdk and vhd then will be fine.

We never try on cloudconverter.com. You may check with them if needed.

Thank you.

To test cloud converter, I would need to know if the Fusionhub ISO comes with any root password.

root password access is disabled in FusionHub.