FusionHub Solo License renewal without rebuild

5+ year user of Pepwave products so this is not my first inquiry on this topic. I seem to recall a while back that FusionHub licensing was going to be reworked so you would not need to rebuild the VM/instance to apply a new key. As I am coming up on my yearly license expiration again it’s time to seek an answer again. I have searched through the forums here a bit and I do not see this topic covered. I have Primecare on a couple of devices and renew each year, which means I can control FusionHub from InControl, I just cannot renew and apply the license there, only request a new license and then build a new FusionHubVM to apply it on. So a yearly rebuild is in order. This is a bit of a PIA to be honest. I can see the need to request a new license yearly, just to keep things in order. But needing to redeploy a new VM and hoping you get all the networking bits right in the remote data center just so you can restore the same config and apply the new license is the pain point. It would be much appreciated if we could just apply a new license key to an existing deployment, even if it is a manual login to the device to facilitate that. Thanks again for some great products.

I’m confused. I just buy the IC2 subscription at the end of year 1 for my personal Fusionhub Solos. Why do you rebuild? To get a new free license?

I’m also confused. I have a bunch of FusionHub Solo’s that I renew annually. Never had to rebuild one to renew, ever.

Correct, as I was already paying @ $200 a year for primecare on my transit duo it didn’t make sense to pay for another license that I could get for free. But that free license requires some time each year and time is a commodity too, and it has a price, especially as we get older. So as the transit is getting a little long in the tooth at this point I will most likely drop the maintenance to a lower level this year and it may make sense to add the license for the FusionHub.

I am told that is what the “Auto Renew” button in the GUI will do (this wasn’t there in the past). The hover description does not seem to indicate that that is it’s purpose, but we shall see in 6 days when the current license expires.
But just out of curiosity, how do you “renew annually” ? I may be missing something here. I can request a new license, but the FH deployment I have does not have place to apply it. I have to build a new FH VM to apply the new license.

When the year runs out, you’ll see a red ‘Warranty expired’ text in inControl next to its name at a group level. If you click into manage the device you’ll see a red ‘expired’ link next to the date in device details.

Click that and you go to the Peplink shop where you can buy an IC2 subscription. ICS-012 is a year of IC2 subscription and costs something like 30$

Find a peplink reseller and request a renewal of SKU ICS-012 and give them your FusionHub Solo’s serial number from the status page.

Once they process it, the expiration date will auto-extend by 1 year, with no other action required on your part.