Firmware 8.5.0 Beta 2

We are pleased to announce that Firmware 8.5.0 Beta 2 is now available.

Release Notes

Router API Documentation

SMS Control Command Reference



Awesome, thanks for adding smscontrol for byodesim’s !
I’ll give this a test later today.


The resolved issue with reference 32616 is for MBX only? The Description says it is for MBX but the Device Supported shows other models.

Does this fix helps devices regardless the cellular module manufacturer? Particularly we would like to know if it helps BR1 Mini and B20X using the modem Quectel EC25-AU.

How does one go about using the PPSK ( Private Pre-Shared
Key) feature? I have a B30 pro, but don’t see any reference to it in the Security Settings, and can’t find any configuration instructions.

NM - Didn’t note it was only for WPA2 - Personal or WPA/WPA-2 Personal.

Now to figure out how and why it’s used.

its to separate devices on the same SSID.

So for example, you might have an SSID “MyBusiness” and have 3x different PPSK’s for it, 1 for IOT devices and have those devices go into VLAN10, 1 for guests and have those devices go into vlan20 and 1 for a specific printer that goes into vlan30.

or in a hotel, a different PPSK for each room so the devices go into that room’s vlan.

Generally certificate based wifi solutions are more appropriate for enterprise managed devices, but some devices can’t use those, so PPSK helps still control where they end up.