Firmware 8.5.0 Beta 1

We are pleased to announce that Firmware 8.5.0 Beta 1 is now available.

Release Notes

Router API Documentation



The multiple IP passthrough :heart_eyes:


So does this mean that Wireguard isn’t going to be in 8.5.0, or is it going to be added in a later beta?

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some nice updates in here.

I don’t think it was committed to 8.5 , I found a “likely” for v9.
@Alex Is that still the timeline?

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They recently said it would be included in a special post 8.4.2 build for some models. I kinda assumed from that it would also be a mainline 8.5 feature.

oh I missed that.

@Eddy_Yeung [quote=“Eddy_Yeung, post:32, topic:39206, full:true”]

@Dylan-e Just to clarify that this is targeted on post 8.4.2, which is going to be a 8.4.2 special build for selected models. :sweat_smile:

Will this be added to 8.5 ?

Basically, the 8.4.2 becomes 8.5.0. Therefore, the special build is actually a post 8.5.0 build although we are working on that. The main focus is still on 8.5.0.

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While this beta includes an expansive list of behind the scenes features and fixes, disappointed and a bit frustrated with progress on four core features that should be available at this point:

1.) TTL option on ALL interfaces, not just cellular interfaces
2.) IPv6 support for all current supported devices, not just a very few select devices (e.g. Balance 310 5G)
3.) SQM integration
4.) Wireguard integration

These features are available across most consumer devices today, not to mention the enterprise competitors.

We keep hearing about v9.x for some of the above outstanding requests - however, given the current pace of releases, v9.x feels like vaporware or at least another 12-18 months out.

I am curious as to what competitors you are speaking of? Similar products on the market, for example, Cradlepoint, Inseego, Digi does not offer TTL, wireguard integration,ipv6 in my opinion You get more for our buck via Pepwave. The only other one I found that offers all those features is Cudy

Hello @D_Gomez - below are [with direct hands-on experience] consumer vendors that support at least one or more of those four features listed above:

TP Link
Inseego (yes, to IPv6, and TTL with a custom config)

Note: This is not a compare Apples to Oranges thread - simply highlighting very typical consumer level routers (with or without cellular modems) that offer these requested features

I consider Pep* devices to be prosumer/enterprise equipment, these are features i would expect to be implemented at this point in their firmware.

With additional reference, I currently run (2) MAX BR2 Pro units, B One 5G, MAX BR Pro, (3) AP One AX AP’s - previously installed - MAX Duo, Balance 20x, Balance 310 5G, MAX BR1 5G’s.

Heavily invested in the Pep* family, seeking these additional features to make the Pep* family a full-on standard for both personal and clients needs.

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Some good stuff in there including at least one of my feature requests :slight_smile: Thank you!

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It could potentially be added in a later beta version or a subsequent update.

Can we please get the release notes updated to include the special build number if it applies to it next to the bug/feature id.
This will help partners that developed features know that their special build is included and what id’s related to.
Here is an example from the AP release notes.


8.5.0 Beta 1 looks good other than Starlink detection no longer works for me. Only installed on UBR plus at this time.

I was hoping for wireguard client or a secondary vpn client license, so I can have two vpn client connections on my B one.