Firmware 8.2.1 Now in GA

Firmware 8.2.1 is now ready for production environments.

To get yours, simply head over to Firmware download page and download for your device. Alternatively, you can update via InControl 2 Firmware Management.

Release Notes


Experience with upgrading a Balance 310X: When 8.2.1 was loaded the SFC tunnels would not connect. SpeedFusion and PepVPN connections were fine. Regressed to 8.2.0 and all was well – all tunnels connected rapidly as expected.

BR1 Mini LTEA HW1: Loaded 8.2.1 and it’s now unresponsive; was working fine with 8.2.0. We’re continuing to work with this one. Factory reset appears to have failed. Too curious this happened at the time of a FW upgrade.

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@Rick-DC, for the B310X: Can you share the DNS IP you configured on all of your WAN interfaces? Which SFC location are you connected to? I don’t see an issue with my SFC tunnel after upgrading the 8.2.1.



For the BR1 Mini: I am sorry to hear that. Please submit a ticket to proceed with RMA. I also tested my BR1 Mini Hw1 with 8.2.1. I have no problem upgrading it.

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Hi TK. Yes, I’ll send you images via PM later today. - Rick

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Does this fix the issue where the Peplink routers would incorrectly respond to DHCP requests with Option 138?

I don’t see it in the patch notes despite support telling me it would be.

We have made some changes to DNS records and fixed the SFC connection issue, and it is confirmed by @Rick-DC


Yes, agreed. We have since upgraded two Balance 310Xs without issue.

And, I want to “close the loop” on this one as well: I mentioned a MAX Mini “went out to lunch” when upgrading from 8.2.0 to 8.2.1. It did. However, I think it’s important to say we have no reason to believe this was a FW-related issue. It’s very curious that it occurred at the same time but this seems to be a HW issue.

Thanks to @Lai, @TK_Liew et al for dealing with this super-promptly.


I’ve checked for myself in wireshark since i got no response here.

This bug which was already fixed (albeit in a custom firmware sent to me by support) is still present in this version to my dismay.

@RobinDeRycke, I notice you have an active ticket with us for the same issue. Our technical support shall follow up with you there. The problem will be fixed in 8.3.0. For the time being, we will provide special firmware for you based on 8.2.1.
