Firmware 8.2.0 RC 2

outbound openVPN is working by IP BUT it does not work for domain names, for example, i have a rule in that must go out over vpn, the rule is there, but does not work.

Has anyone else noticed that when accessing a factory default device running 8.2.0 through IC2 remote web admin, you’re now prompted to change the default SSID password in the same way you’re prompted to change the default web admin password when logging in for the first time from the LAN?
We’d love to see an option to accept the default password on each of these pages, that way it can be left unchanged if the user wishes not to change it. Of course it’s not advised to use default passwords, but there are plenty of instances where changing it upon first login is not desired. Maybe 3 options even. ‘change now’, ‘remind me next time I log in’, and ‘ignore’ to account for different scenarios.


This has resolved some issues I was having with the Max Adapter connected to a Balance 20x, sims would stay fixed on 3G and not change to LTE when it was available, it appears to be working well on this release.

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Is Peplink aware of the Apple Homekit issues with the new Beta Release version?
Does firmware team care or investigate?

@ckirch ,

Do you have a ticket open for the issue ? It’s best that support team can check on this and review the your setup for the issues.

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For the OpenVPN outbound policy, may I know it’s working using 8.1.3 GA firmware or you just tested using 8.2.0 and it’s not working as expected ?

For the domain outbound policy, the device will learn the domain name IPs via the LAN devices DNS request and the IPs returned by the DNS servers. Seen you have only 1 source IP need to access the via the OpenVPN. Potential the DNS records have been cached by the Client device and the domain outbound policy the not taking effect based on the rules. Can you help to open a ticket for support team to further analyze the DNS resolve for your setup ? This will able to help us to know why the outbound policy not taking effect .

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@Topher ,

We have updated the released notes to reflect to the 8.2.0 Beta1 changes for the enforce WIFI AP password change.

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I reverted to 8.1.3 and it’s still happening, I disabled dns cache on the router, and also flushed it on my clients, it still doesn’t not work with new ip requests. I’ll open a ticket after GA, thanks

Issue found on Balance 20x (HW1) on previous stable and this beta version, you cannot select “optimal network discovery” when using a 5G Flexmodule, it errors when saving the configuration with “unsupported value: cellular sim optimalnetwork” and optimal discovery has to be unticked to save the configuration. I have a ticket open on the issue as I discovered the same issue on 8.1.3 build 5060 code.

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@cgreen, thanks for reporting this. I saw our technical support is following up with you in the ticket.

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Using a Pepwave BR1 Pro 5G - I opened the Wi-Fi WAN to choose a Wi-Fi wan network. I am not sure what the default sort order is but I had to click the Signal Strength column header to show me the strongest first. I suggest the default sort order is by signal strength. I assume it’s being sorted by name. I’m not sure that’s how other devices such as iPhone’s sort.

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