We’re happy to announce that the Firmware 8.0.1 RC2 is now available.
Supported models:
EPX, Balance, MAX, SpeedFusion Engine, FusionHub, Surf SOHO
We’re happy to announce that the Firmware 8.0.1 RC2 is now available.
Supported models:
EPX, Balance, MAX, SpeedFusion Engine, FusionHub, Surf SOHO
on peplink balance one core we are using multiple forwarding rules. In Network → Port Forwarding if you choose protocol for example SMTP all existing aditional rules will have the same SMTP protocol.
smtp picture
Thanks and BR
This is by design.
If you want to map multiple SMTP services they will all need different external ports so you would use port forwarding.
Unfortunately I am experiencing constant internet connectivity issues, device freezing, and cpu spiking to 100% in RC2.
@mystery, can you submit a support ticket with the device details for our team to look into the device condition?
I have your ticket. Checked the device and it’s working fine now. Let’s monitor the device running status for sometimes.
is not that I want to map multiple SMTP services. I have different services mapped (SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS …). When I change existing service SMTP as SMTP protocol all others already mapped service will receive SMTP protocol.
Thanks and BR
Ah got it. Agreed sounds like a UI bug.
Checking on the suspect WebUI issue.
Possible please share me the screenshot showing “all others already mapped service will receive SMTP protocol”. This will help me when reproduce the issue.
Issue identified. It’s really a minor WebUI bug. This will be fix for coming RC firmware.
Thank you for reporting this to us.
Hello @Lai, @WeiMing & @sitloongs,
We have some additional observations seen with Firmware 8.0.1 build 4350 on a Pepwave MAX Transit DUO (MAX-TST-DUO-LTEA-P).
Observation #1
When looking at the Status/Client List on the web admin page, the client list is not showing as much of the client/device name as it could. The device name is truncated (we note the full name can be seen when the mouse hovers over the truncated name).
Observation #2
When looking at the Status/SpeedFusion on the web admin page, the most right hand two columns are missing a column label.
Observation #3 & and related issues
When configuring at the Firewall/Content Blocking on the web admin page, there are multiple issues with the dropdown menus and operational filtering:
Issue #1
Already selected “Application Blocking” is still selectable. In this capture, you can see eMule/Donkey is still offered, yet this has already been chosen previously. Note that the previous selection is also saved and this page was reloaded.
Observation #4
When looking at the Status/Active Sessions Interfaces on the web admin page, the PepVPN/Speedfusion does not show up in the list of interfaces.
Happy to Help,
@mldowling, thanks for reporting these. I will relay to the team.