In relation to a previous post
And the replies of both @sitloongs and @Jonathan_Pitts
I’m bringing the conversation back into this thread.
We have created within InControl2 regional blocking rules with logging turned on.
InControl2 Ver 2.8.4 Firewall Rules
Though what should we be seeing within the Web Admin of devices? There appears to be nothing around the regional/geo-blocking.
Peplink FusionHub, Firmware 8.1.0b04 build 4916 - Remote Web Admin
Peplink Balance Two, Firmware 8.1.0b04 build 4919 - Remote Web Admin
And as we have logging turned on, where are the event logs within InControl2?
Peplink FusionHub, InControl2 Ver 2.8.4 Event Logs
Peplink Balance Two, InControl2 Ver 2.8.4 Event Logs
Also for those who do not or can not use InControl2, what options are there for doing this?
Happy to Help,