Feature request for Bandwidth Allowance

20047 [Cellular | Redundant SIM Slots]​ Added support for scheduled switching between redundant SIM cards.


  • An HD2 IP67 fw 8.0.1 build 4361
  • Four SIM cards with limited bandwidth allocations (15 GB/card/billing cycle) (IA, IB, IIA, IIB, where I and II represent the radios, A and B the two slots for each).
    There is a variant where the B slots are possibly undesirable (speed, price, whatever)

To start each billing cycle with IA and IIA being active, and to roll over to IB and IIB whenever the A cards run out of allocations, and then to roll back to the A cards at the start of the next cycle.

Current setup:
Set the A cards as preferred, and for each of them shut them down after 15 GB (rolling over to the B cards). Reset by hand to the A cards at the beginning of the next

Desired setup and question:
Assume a scenario where

  • “Alternate periodically between SIM A Only and SIM B Only” is enabled [there’s a typo in the web UI, by the way]
  • Set the A cards to shut down after 15 GB
  • Set the alternate schedule to reset at the middle (say the 15th day) of the billing cycle.

Assume that IA depletes its allocation on the 12th of the billing cycle. It will shut down. Will IB be activated, or will we lose regular communication until IB’s scheduled time rolls around (on the 15th)? Specifically in this example, will one have regular communication available from the 12th through to the 15th?

If the answer is that this won’t work then I’d request that it should :slight_smile:

Specifically, that the combination of a the SIM card alternate option being enabled and the bandwidth allocation action being to shut down the SIM card when the allocation has been reached is to make an early switch to the secondary card, resetting to the primary at the start of the billing cycle.

Thus a possible alternative implementation of the combination of the alternating SIM cards and the Bandwith Allocation Monitor Actions is:

  1. If the Bandwith Allocation Monitor Action feature is not active, then alternate periodically on the days of the month identified in the SIM card alternate setting (i.e., card A from the 1st to the switch date, card B from the switch date to the 1st).

  2. If the Bandwith Allocation Monitor Action feature is active, then alternate periodically on the days of the month identified in the SIM card alternate as modified by the Bandwith Allocation Monitor Action (i.e., card A from the 1st to the switch date or the depletion of the bandwidth allocation (whichever comes first), card B from the switch (or card A depletion) date to the 1st).

A variant: Instead of alternating by means of the day of the month, tie the alternate date to the day of the monitor cycle, i.e., #of days after the start day of the Bandwith Allocation Monitor cycle.

Use case:
When there is a significant (pricing, speed, whatever) difference between A and B, where one wants A to be the dominant and preferred card, switching to B only when A is depleted, and then switching back to A at the start of each cycle.

The setting would be:

  • Alternate periodically
  • Alternate date to the 1st of each month (reverting to A if B has been activated the previous month)
  • Shut down A when it is depleted, switching to B (i.e., switching to B only if A is depleted).

Here’s a screenshot of the semi-symmetric example:

And one of the A-dominant (use B only when necessary) example: