failure to recognize IP address

I cant get to my Peplink control page. First occasionally now not at all. Did hard reboot, have good internet and have checked all connections. The tights are on on the modem.

Hi @Andre_Poineau . You’re not giving us much information there. From a LAN (not WAN) port, can you reach the address printed on the bottom of the router (assuming you did not change it?) LIkely something like or

Exactly which product do you have? Are you using IC2?

[NB: I deleted your duplicate post/message.]

Hi Dick
I have a MAX BR1 Pro 5g and i’m trying to reach it through Wi Fi.
I am traveling on a boat and unfortunately don’t have cables. Pretty sure that would solve it but I have used Wi Fi for the last year without issue, until now that is. The address is

Hi. Two questions:

  1. Are you using IC2?
  2. The wi-fi on the router is working OK and you can access the internet – but not the GUI using the default address?

Hi Rick
I cant get to my modem at all. I have done a hard reboot and everything else I can think of. I only have the option of WiFi but I cant get to it. It also does not show up as a WiFi source.
It slowly became intermittent then disappeared completely. The lights are on on the modem.
I am not using IC2. I will if I can get back in.
Any suggestions?

My purpose in asking about IC2 was not to recommend it but rather to ensure the router’s config was not being overwritten by IC2.

  1. Can you join the network via the SSID you previously set?
  2. If so, can you ping the router [not modem] at
  3. Can you log in to it at ? If not, what happens - what do you see?